What is hydraulics?

There is no other drive source that can match the energy density and the potentially enormous forces one can get from hydraulics. Hydraulics paved the way for the industrial revolution. Since then, hydraulics has undergone significant advances in energy efficiency while remaining indispensable for a variety of industries.

Hydraulics is used to control and transmit force and control movement in various mechanisms/actuators by means of fluid pressure.

Hydraulic system: The illustration  shows how in a hydraulic system fluid under pressure is used to transfer energy from a point where the energy is generated to a point where the energy is to be used.

Illustration of how hydraulic works

What can hydraulics be used for?

Hydraulics are used in many different applications and play a central role in various industries. It is used in construction machinery, such as excavators and bulldozers. In aircraft hydraulics enables precise control of flaps, landing gear and guidance systems.

An example is the use of hydraulics in carousels. Electric motors are often used as a power source. The electric motor drives a hydraulic pump, which then transfers the fluid under pressure to a hydraulic motor. The hydraulic motor converts the hydraulic pressure into mechanical force that drives the carousel in a rotating motion.


Illustration of a hydraulic spider

Did you know that the spider is hydraulic?

Spiders are known for their impressive hydraulic system, which provides the spider's locomotor abilities. This system is based on the spider's fluid (hemolymph) that acts as a substitute for blood. By controlling the pressure in the hemolymph through muscles and pumps, the spider can move its legs smoothly and grip various surfaces.     

The use of hydraulics in carousels provides several advantages:

  • Precise control of movement ensures smooth and safe experience for those who use it, and it enables high-efficiency power transmission to maintain required power and torque.
  • Helps to achieve the desired movement and safety, especially in carousels with swings that are in the air and spinning around.
  • Precise control of speed, direction and force ensures swings are kept in the air and provide a stable and controlled rotation.
This is how hydraulics work in a carousel

Control mechanisms in a carousel: Start, stop, rotation, position, direction, and speed.

Therefore, hydraulics is an essential element in the operation of rides and other moving attractions, as it provides power transmission essential for a safe and entertaining experience for those who use it.

Hydraulics are used in segments like:

Hydraulics are used in a wide range of machinery, including excavators, bulldozers, tractors and lifting equipment. Hydraulic systems provide powerful and precise movements, making them ideal for heavy duty and precision applications.

Hydraulic systems are used in aircraft and spacecraft to operate landing gear, flaps, brakes, and guidance systems. They provide reliable power transmission and precise control, especially in demanding conditions.

Hydraulics are used in vehicles to operate brakes, power steering systems, suspension and gearboxes. Hydraulic brakes provide efficient and smooth stalling, while power steering systems provide reduced effort to steer the vehicle.

Hydraulic systems play an important role in the oil and gas industry, especially in drilling and manufacturing operations. They are used to service drilling rigs, wellhead equipment, pipelaying systems and other oil and gas related infrastructure.


Hydraulic systems are used in marine and maritime applications to operate control systems, anchors, winches, lifting equipment and propeller control units. They provide reliable power transmission and enable precise movements in harsh marine environments.

The history of hydraulics

drawing of the invention of the hydraulic press in 1795

The history of hydraulics goes far back in time. Early examples include water mills that used waterpower to power mechanical systems.


In the 1700s, the development of modern hydraulics accelerated. Joseph Bramah, a British engineer- and inventor, patented the industrial hydraulic press in 1795. This invention paved the way for the industrial revolution by introducing the ability to control large amounts of power using hydraulic systems. The technology and use of hydraulics have continued to evolve and find applications in various sectors and applications.

1795: Joseph Bramah, a British engineer and inventor, patented the first industrial hydraulic press. This paved the way for the industrial revolution by introducing the ability to control large amounts of power using hydraulic systems.


1800s and 1900s: Hydraulics became increasingly prevalent in industry, including machine tools, agricultural equipment, and the transportation sector. Hydraulic solutions were used to drive and control a variety of mechanical systems.



Early 1900s: The development of hydraulic valves and regulators provided better control of power and movement in hydraulic systems. This improved the precision and reliability of hydraulic applications.


Mid-1900s: Hydraulics became widespread in the aerospace industry for controlling aircraft, landing gear, and rockets. This period also saw the development of hydraulic systems for cars and trucks, which allowed for more powerful brakes and power transmission systems.

2010: Hybrid hydraulics arrived around 2010, which made it possible to achieve better energy efficiency and regenerative energy utilization, which is positive in terms of sustainability. By combining hydraulics with electrical systems, energy losses could be reduced. 


2023: Modern hydraulics focus on efficiency, accuracy, integration with automation technologies and sustainable solutions. Read more about how Servi uses hydraulics today future down the article.

Illustrasjon: A hydraulic lift provides steady, controlled, and rapid acceleration/deceleration.

What would the world look like without hydraulics?

Without hydraulics, today's technological advances would be limited. Industrial processes and tasks would have been more time-consuming and inefficient. Hydraulics aims to enable power transmission, precise control, large power ranges, energy storage, transfer of forces and smooth movement. Hydraulic systems, with proper construction, provide very good control and precision, which in turn helps to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.  

An example is construction machinery. Construction machinery would not have the same power and precision without hydraulic solutions. That would have limited the machine's ability to handle large loads and perform precise missions. The transport sector would have limited solutions for powerful and precise vehicle control, and aircraft would have limited maneuverability and control over aircraft movements. The manufacturing industry would face challenges with automation and precise control of machines and robots. Hydraulics therefore play a crucial role in efficiency, accuracy and automation in modern technology and industry. 

This is how hydraulics work in a machine

How is hydraulics used today?

Hydraulics are used today by Servi to create smart and efficient solutions in the energy sector.

The Stewart platform is an example. This advanced hydraulic system provides precise control and stable movement and is used for controlling and positioning various structures. The Stewart platform is used in several sectors, e.g. maritime and offshore industries. It helps increase safety and efficiency in various operations by providing precise motion control.

In recent times, Servi has noticed an increased demand for offshore wind of hydraulic equipment. In offshore wind projects, hydraulic systems are used for various purposes. For example, hydraulics can be used to handle heavy lifting, such as mounting the large shafts of wind turbines. The hydraulics can also help compensate for wave movements on gangways from ships to wind turbines, thus ensuring safe working conditions for service personnel.

The modern use of hydraulics in renewable energy shows how the technology contributes to the efficient and reliable operation of offshore wind projects and upgrades of hydropower plants. Hydraulic systems are used in smart ways to meet the needs of renewable energy and help support the development of more sustainable energy solutions.

Example of hydraulic delivery from Servi Group: Shock absorbers for Cranemasters, to be used in offshore wind.

shock absorber delivery to offshore wind | © Cranemaster

How do we work with hydraulics in Servi Group?

At Servi we work with hydraulics in many areas within the field of hydraulics.

Our broad expertise in the company means that we can help the customer with everything from simple hydraulic components to the design and manufacture of very large and advanced hydraulics and control systems.

Our factories produce hydraulic components and systems. Cylinders and accumulators are produced at Rissa, valves and valve blocks are produced at Kongsberg.

We also build hydraulic systems and hydraulic units (HPU) and associated electrical systems at our locations.

Servi Group was established in 1912 and started with hydraulics in 1978, but our expertise in hydraulics dates back to 1947.